St. Mary’s Church – Khorimahua

St Mary
Contact Details:
St. Mary’s Church,
P.O. Gandey,
Dt. Giridih-815 314,
Phone: 06532-240288, 09431144138.
Parish Priest – Fr. Simon Kujur.
Church Established – 1975.
Brief History:
A sub-station of Maheshmunda was separated at the end of 1988. Fr. Simon Murmu was the first resident priest who lived on a room adjacent to the first church built by Fr. Mathew A.C. in 1984; the residence was built by Fr. Simon Murmu. Fr. Stephen P.K. built the new Church which was blessed on 28th April 2005. Fr. Stephen built the school and convent; Middle School has 850 children. High School has 250 children. Fr. Stephen is there from 1998 (ten years now). Catholics number 600; 70 families. Distance from Bhagalpur 210 k.m.