St. Patrick’s Church – Basmata

St Patrick
Contact Details:
St. Patrick’s Church
P.O. Basmata (Belhar)
Dt. Banka – 813 202,
Ph. No. 09431134121.
Parish Priest – Fr. Robert Murmu.
Assistant Parish Priest – Fr. Vijay Murmu.
Church Established – 1965.
Brief History:
From the time he was Prefect Apostolic Mgr. Urban used to visit Basmata on weekends and started the mission there. On rainy days he used to leave the Land rover at Belhar and walk some 8 k.m. to the village in the company of two M.C. Sisters from Bhagalpur. One Barnabas Soren of Kusaha was first to be baptized on December 24, 1958. Many sick people were brought to Bhagalpur and taken care of by Mgr. Urban. As the catholics increased a church was built there by Fr. Patrick Boland TOR who used to carry cement bags in his old jeep. Fr. Dionis Kiro TOR was the first resident priest there followed by Fr. Mathew Chennatt (1969-70). Fr. Mathew Kaithara who had a long innings there of nine years (1971-79) who built the priests’ house and school and convent. Fr. Mathew Kuttickatt followed (1979-81). Then Fr. James Alumkal (1981-82) Fr. Celestine Murmu (1985-87); Fr. Devasia M.A., Fr. Mathew Vettukallel and Fr. Mathew Athikalam (1986-94) Fr. Jerome Minj (1994-96) Fr. Zepherius Ekka (1996-2000) Fr. Robert Murmu (2004- ). Number of Catholics 1200. Number of villages 20. Number of Catholic families 225. Church blessed on 3rd September 2002 by Bishop Thomas Kozhimala. Sunday Mass on 4 villages, once a month. Distance from Bhagalpur 75 k.m. Basmata has produced some vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Basmata has a rare distinction of having a Bank operating from its premises from July 1989.
This is a prayer to everyone in Basmata region. I have with me someone who was falsely accused of an offence in Maharashtra. After 6 years his case was dismissed and he was released. He is from Basmata. His name is Tinku Hemrem. He has a brother there by the name of Sanjay Hemrem. If anyone knows this person or the Church there is willing to assist him, please contact me. I will arrange to send him back soon. Please contact me at 9762959919. Send me an SMS or message if unreachable. Email:
Thank you.