Infant Jesus Church – Sholinganallur

Infant Jesus
Contact Details
Infant Jesus Church
Parameshwaran Nagar
Pin : 600 119
Ph : 044 – 297 83 030
Parish Preist
Rev. Fr. Uvari Antony
Infant Jesus
Infant Jesus Church
Parameshwaran Nagar
Pin : 600 119
Ph : 044 – 297 83 030
Rev. Fr. Uvari Antony
i need prayer reguest. plsss
Infant Jesus Church in Sholinganallur is also known as Jeeva Matha Church for Our Lady Source of Life is Venerated here. On every First Saturday there is Special Novena to Jeeva Matha and Hundreds of people who are longing to beget child frquent the Service and many return to witness the Graces obtained. The First Sathuday service begins at 10.30 am with the Rosary, witnesses, Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration and Final blessings. with Matha Meals people get back home with a lot of ciurage and conviction. untill now @ 500 couples have witnessed to have been blessed with the children. Jennifer and Jeevan are the first children to be recorded and their parents are living near the Church expressing their gratitude and Catholic faith. Fr. john Roncalli. a Servite Friar is the present parish priest. The Servite Fathers dedicate their time&energy to help people grow in faith and conviction. Mass timings: daily 6.15pm rosary and Holy Mass. Sunday 8.00 am Mass in Tamil and 6.00pm Mass in English. Good Choirs, meaningful animation of liturgy and availabilty of Priests for the Sacraments keep the people intact and happy.Come Some times, you too will feel moved and loved. God bless. Contact: 9444334426, Fr.John Roncalli.osm.