St John the Apostle Church – Tondiarpet

St John the Apostle
St John the Apostle Church
New No. 110 Old No. 12,
Seni Amman Koil Street,
Chennai – 600 081.
Tel 044 – 25 91 53 57
Brief History:
Tondiarpet once belonged to Kasimode Parish. With the financial help of Most Rev Dr Louis Mathias SDB and the hard work of Rev Msgr John Kottaram, the Parish of Tondiarpet came into existence in 1965. On 3rd December 1965 the presbytery in this Church was blessed by Most Rev Dr Francis Carvalho.On the same day, this presbytery was given to Rev Mother Teresa which became their first convent in South India. The first Parish Priest was Rev Fr CJ Mani.In 1984 Rev Fr James Panaparampil built a grotto of the Holy Family in memory of the Silver Jubilee of his ordination. In December 1990, the Silver Jubilee of the Parish was celebrated and the then Parish Priest, Rev Fr Thomas Simon started a Nursery School and a Primary English Medium school and a Tailoring School and remodelled the extended Altar which was blessed by the then Archbishop, Most Rev Dr Casimir Gnanadickam S J. A dispensary was started and medicines were freely distributed by Drs Adaikkalanathan, Sekhar and Mary Innocent.For 16 years, this parish stands first in paying the largest amount towards Mission Sunday collections. In 1999 Fr LC Rayanna constructed the new Dispensary building and extended the school building and the then Archbishop Most Rev Dr Arul Das James blessed them. In 2004, the front portion of the church was renovated with granite stones and a grotto in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes was built by Rev Fr V Henry Louis which was blessed by the Auxiliary Bishop, Rt Rev Dr Lawrence Pius Dorairaj on 14th May 2005.
Mass Timings:
Sunday Mass – Timings/Language : 6.30 am, 9.00 am & 4.30 pm – Tamil
there is prist missing in the list before Fr.Rayana there is a Priest Fr. B. Antony in his period Mother therasa visited and laid stone for the hospital kindly verify and update
(A dispensary was started and medicines were freely distributed by Drs Adaikkalanathan, Sekhar and Mary Innocent.) no no …. no dispensary, no doctors, no medicines.
i living in tondiarpet, voc nagar, since 1986.
regards patric.