St. Jude’s Church – Vanuvampet

St. Jude
Contact Details
St. Jude’s Church
Pin : 600 091
Ph : 044 – 226 03 765
Mass Timings
Every Sunday 06.30 AM
Every Sunday 08.30 AM
Every Sunday 06.30 PM
Every Monday-Saturday 06.30 AM
Dear Father, Thank you and all the devotees at the church for offering prayers for my father Prabhakar Menon and my son Nikhil Menon Anand , who are both suffering from secondary stage of their respective Cancer and have been undergoing treatment at Cancer Institute, Adyar, since April 2013. I am eternally grateful to you for all theprayers .Warm Regards, Durga,
Dear Rev. Father and the all Parish devotees, thanks for offering a mass and prayers to our father’s Mr. Seemampillai’s 50th Anniversary on the coming Sunday 14/04/2013. My personal letter follows. Mr. S.B.Yogaratnam from London[UK]
Dear Saint Jude’s/father.
-Please pray for my son Aldrin.
for gating permenent redency ‘PR’in Australia.
-Now he is 28th years old so please pray for his marriage also.
-At present our new house is in progrss bur due to some electric wire problem it is under hold please pray for this hold can removed and we can buite our house in time.
Thanks & Regards
Anton Macwan
T-Nagar . Chennai.