Share Read on Mobile Enter Reading Mode Holy Family Church – Omzoor Posted on May 1, 2009 by admin Holy FamilykarnatakaMangalore dioceseOmzoor Mangalore Churches Holy Family Contact Details Holy Family Church Omzoor Mermajal Pin : 574187 Ph : 08255-272323 Parish preist P.P. Rev. Fr. Cyril Pinto Location SCAN THIS QR CODE WITH YOUR PHONE
Dear Father,I require a fresh birth certificate of Alwyne Anthony LasradoRegister Number: 12/157DOB: 05/08/157 Baptism date : 11/08/1957Omzoor church Reply
Please let me know if you require a copy of the old document. I will arrange the baptism to be collected or you can be kind enough to courier it to Mumbai, I will transfer the cost t your accountregards Reply
Dear Father,I require a fresh birth certificate of Alwyne Anthony LasradoRegister Number: 12/157DOB: 05/08/157 Baptism date : 11/08/1957Omzoor church
Please let me know if you require a copy of the old document. I will arrange the baptism to be collected or you can be kind enough to courier it to Mumbai, I will transfer the cost t your accountregards