Holy Cross Church – Mahableshwar

Holy Cross
Holy Cross Church
Pin : 412 807
Tel : (02168) 261226.
Priest :
(looked after by Rev.Fr.Sebastian D’Mello from Bishop’s House)
Holy Cross
Holy Cross Church
Pin : 412 807
Tel : (02168) 261226.
(looked after by Rev.Fr.Sebastian D’Mello from Bishop’s House)
Only 2 masses per week. Sat 530pm and sunday 830 am. Church located close to bazaar behind petrol pump
Dear Fr. We are visiting Mahableshwar on Sat the 8th ?August and Sunday. Would like to attend mass either on Sat evening or Sunday morning. Could you please let us know the mass timings and what time is the church open?Thanks and regardsWilma Rego
Is there first Friday Mass at Holy Cross Church Mahableshwar on 01st May 2015. If yes then at what times
Is there first Friday Mass at Holy Cross Church Mahableshwar on 01st May 2015. What time is mass
Dear Father, v about 4-5 persons would like to visit Mahableshwar in the end of May, are there any church rooms available for us to stay. V all are ladies and would like a safe place to stay. Let us know which dates are available and v will make it feasible. I think by now all rooms are booked. If anything is available, v will adjust the dates. Thanks, Sharyl Braganza 9869206404.
Dear Father,i will be visiting Mahableshwar this weekend and would like to know the mass timings for Sunday mass as well as Saturday evening mass timings which is counted as Sunday mass. Since I am a regular church goer I would not like to miss mass.Please could you kindly help me.Thanking youGenevieve Baptist
Hello Father, myself and my sister along with her husband and my niece are planning to visit Mahableshwar next month.. are there any dormitory facilities offered by the Church or is there a place where we can stay that is within walking distance to the Church so we can attend Sunday mass. Many thanks
Just forgot to inform the name of the current visitng parish priest is Rev, Fr Alex Quadrous a vibrant priest.
Dear People in christ,
believe me the mass celeberated by visiting parish priest followed with fantastic homily,was amazing. I bet if u attend, u will surely feel you have attended a meaningful mass. I was fortunate to attend both mases on 10th Sat eve & 11th Sun morn Dec 11.
The church is maintained so well worth prasing,even though it is a smallest parish on earth.Unlike Mumbai crowded churches, this Holy cross chruch mahableswar is quite, peacefull,limited people decently dressed, and rich in spirtual serenity. Every word during celeberation will catch ur ears, being free from distraction. Make you trip on a week end and attend the mass, m sure God is present there every moment to bless u. Stephen Coelho , Mumbai, Andheri East
There are only two mass per week
saturday at 5.30 PM and Sunday 8.30 AM
Dear Rev Fathers , My Mother 85yrs, my sister and her daughter and myself will be visiting Mahableshwar from the 4th till the7th of Nov 2010 and we will be staying at the [removed]
Since we hear daily the Mass at our Parish St Peter’s Bandra (s.J) we would like to know the Mass timings and the address of your church
Million tks & rgds………….Marie