Our Lady of Lourdes Church – Lourdammalpuram

Our Lady of Lourdes
O.L. of Lourdes Church
Tuticorin Dt
Pin : 628 001.
Ph.No : 0461-2360888.
Brief History:
This area which had been with Cruzpuram, Theresepuram and Thalamuthunagar parishes became an independent parish on the 22nd of July 2001 by Bishop Peter Fernando. A small chapel had been built in this place on 17-9-1972 at the time of Fr. John Xavier as the parish priest of Cruzpuram. Fr. John Selvam is the first parish priest. Bishop Peter Fernando laid foundation for the new church and the construction work has been going on since then.
Parish Priests:
Fr. John Selvam 2001-2004
Fr. Lazar 2004
Patroness : Our Lady of Lourdes
Feast day of the Patroness : February 11
Alangarathittu – Our Lady of Alangaram
Mettupatti – Grotto of St. Antony
John Xavier Coloney – Sacred Heart of Jesus
Mother Theresa’s Fisheries Coloney – St. Antony
Manickapuram S.S. – Our Lady of Veilankanni