Our Lady of Rosary of Madu Church – Thalamuthunagar

Our Lady of the Rosary
Our Lady of Rosary of Madu Church
Tuticorin Dt
Pin : 628 002.
Ph.No : 0461-2360551.
Brief History:
Thalamuthunager is a mission parish in the sense that Catholics here are settlers from other places and small in number. In 1983 some immigrants form Srilanka brought with them a statue of Our Lady of Madu. Fr. Tiburtius, built a thatched church for this statue. This parish was bifurcated from Innaciarpuram with Alangarathattu, Arockiapuram, Mathanager, Thalamuthunager, Rajapalayam, Saveriarpuram and Siluvaippatti as its substations. The first head quarters was the Leprosarium. Fr. Antony Robert was made the parish priest on the 2 nd of June 1986 . He constructed the present church as well as the rectory at the place of the house where the statue of Our Lady of Madu had been kept before the thatched church was built.
Parish Priests:
Rev. Antony Robert 1986-1991
Rev. Joseph Xavier 1991
Rev. Gerald Ravi 1991-1992
Rev. Jebanathan 1992-1993
Rev. Camillus 1993-1998
Rev. L.J. Rex 1998
Feast of the Parton Saint : Our Lady of Rosary of Madu, October 7
Church constructed in: 1952
St. Xavier Church
Church constructed in: 1961
St. Antony Church
Church constructed in: 1954
St. Philomina Church
Church constructed in: 1932
St. Arockianather Church
Church constructed in: 1760
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Matha Nager
Church constructed in: 1987
St. Mary Church