Our Lady of Sorrows Shrine – Malayangulam

Our Lady of Sorrows
Our Lady of Sorrows Shrine
Tuticorin Dt
Pin : 627 151.
Ph.No : 04635-256141.
Brief History:
On the 31st of May 1999 Malayangulam became a parish with Fr. A.K. Jerocin as its first parish priest. The northern part of Nanguneri parish was bifurcated and made into the parish of Malayangulam by Bishop Amalnather of Thoothukudi diocese. On the 22nd of May this parish was entrusted to the care of the Divine Word Missionaries (SVD). Fr. Vijay Amalraj SVD became the parish priest and the merit of making it into a shrine goes to him. Son of the soil Fr. M.G. Victor as a priest of Thoothukudi diocese adds further honor to this parih. The shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows is 100 years old. In accordance with the name, in the background of a hill and pond Our Lady is present with the radiance of God’s grace. Moreover, a portion of the veil worn by Our Lady is treasured in this shrine. The feast of this shrine begins with falg hoisting on the 22nd of May and ends on the 31st day with the solomn mass and car procession. This parish has given three wonderful priests to Thoothukudi diocese. They are Fr. Stephendas from Thottakudi; Fr. M.G. Victor from Malayankulam; and Fr. Dominic Arulvalan from Maruthakulam.
Parish Priests:
Fr. A.K. Jerocin 1999-2003
Fr. Vijay Amalraj SVD 2003
Patron Saint : Our Lady of Sorrows
Feast of : May 31
Ampurani Sahayapuram
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church
St. Stephen Church
Our Lady of Lourdes Church