St. James Church – Manapad

St. James
St. James’ Chruch
Tuticorin Dt
Pin : 628 209.
Ph.No : 04639-226224.
Brief History:
In the time of St. Xavier itself a chuch was built and dedicated to Our Lady of Assumption at Manapad. In 1600 a new church was built for St. James. As Our Lady of the Assumption church was turned into a Dutch trade center, St. James church began to be the parish church for the people of Manapad since 1585. Fr. Antony Duvarthu, who was the superior of the Jesuit Malabar Province as well as the care-taker of Manapad, renewd and enlarged this church in 1745. As the number of parishioners increased, efforts to enlarge this church taken by the Jesuit priest Fr. Louis Lousousnather was complted in the time of Fr. Plasius Philinger. On the 12 th of September 1929 , Bishop Roche consecrated this church. In 1979 the Golden Jubilee was celebrated. The Jesuits had to leave Cochin , the head quarters of the Jesuit Malabar Province , as the Dutch captured Cochin and gave troubles to the ministry of the Jesuits. They stayed at Ambalakadu and Thoppu for sometime. In 1695 they made Manapad as the head quarters of the Malabar Jesuit Province . This head quarters known as Collegium was besides St. James church. With some intervals Collegium continued to function until 1752. Fr. John de Solovano, a Jesuit priest in 1581 laid foundation for the Holy Cross church on the hill of Manapad. The first mass took place on the 14 th of September 1582 . The Jesuit Superior General in Rome Fr. Gladius Aqua Liva sent two pieces of the true cross of Jesus in the form of a small cross to be established at this church. Fr. Joachim Fernando enlarged and renewed the Holy Cross church in 1969. History has it that St. Xavier lived in the cave that is to the east of this church on the shore. The Jesuit priest Fr. Louis Lasousnather, the parish priest of St. James church, repaired this cave and set a cross on it. Fr. Robinston Raj in 1975 built a small church over this cave of St. Xavier . At Manapad the role of the laity in building up the church is to be commended. Especially Sir. Donatus Victoria and Mrs. Pichaikariammal received awards from the Pope. Several social welfare institutes at Manapad remain as witness their service.
Parish Priests:
Fr. Alphonse D.S. 1994
Patron Saint : St. James
Feast of the – Sunday after the 25 th of July
St. Antony Church
St. Michael Church