Ubahara Annai Church – Thailapuram

Ubahara Annai
Ubahara Annai Church
Tuticorin Dt
Pin : 628 617.
Ph.No : 04639-277322.
Brief History:
The church of Our Lady of good help was built about 110 years ago. Thailapuram was a substation of Pragasapuram and the extension work of the church had just started by 1986. Frs. Arthur James, Edward and Rex Lumine took special interest in this project. Bishop Amalnather consecrated this church on the 1st of May 1992 and established this as a parish with Fr. Rex Lumine as the first parish priest. He built the rectory which was blessed by Bishop Amalnather in 1993.
Parish Priests:
Fr. Amaladas S. 1997
Patroness : Our Lady of Good Help
Feast of the : September 24
Feast of the grotto of Our Lady of Fatima : October 13
Christ the King Church
Christ the King Church
St. Joseph Church
St. Joseph Church
ubahara chruch is famous in india in tamilnadu tutucurion dist thailapuram
This church have a brief History. please collect all the details from priest and post all the details. Feast celebrations starts on 18th Sep on every year and ends on 27th Sep of every year.
Oh.. Great!.. Thanks. if you are from this parish..can you please get it and post here. So many people will be benefited by your little help
Pls post Our lady Of Ransom’s Poto.
i want to say one thing..feast of the church september 27
thx thangamani… we have updated your info.