Liturgical Prayers of the Mass

Liturgical Prayers of the Mass
Every prayer is an action not only of Christ but of the Church. As the central act of worship on the part of Catholics, it calls for community participation. God speaks to you through his Revelation; you speak to him through you prayers, your songs, your responses. You offer yourselves and your gifts to him; he offers himself (through his priest) in an unbloody sacrifice. And, because the Mass is also sacred banquet, you receive him as nourishment for the spirit.
For an explanation of the Mass, see pp, 36-37 in this booklet. Recommended reading in this area is the excellent book How to get more out of the Mass by Father Joseph T.McGloin, S.J. Order from Liguori Publications, pone liguori Drive, Liguori, Mo, 63057.)
To help you better understand the Mass to participate more fully, study the following order (or arrangement) of the Mass.