Receive Communion
Receive Communion

Communion may always be received on the tongue. Subject to the local bishop’s decision, it may also be received in the hand. (Consult your pastor for the appropriate method.) Also, on designated occasions. Communion may be received under both species.

When the minister of the Eucharist addresses the communicant with the words. “The Body of Christ,” the communicant responds: “Amen.”

When the minister raises the Eucharist Bread or Wine, this is an invitation for the communicant to make an act of faith, to express his or her belief in the Eucharist, to manifest a need and desire for the Lord, to accept the good news of Jesus ‘paschal mystery.

A clear and meaningful “Amen” is your response to this invitation. In this way you profess your belief in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist Bread and wine as well as in his body, the Church.