fourth apparitions

fourth apparitions

Certainly our lady has come

Monday August 13:

On the 13th of August the day chosen by Our Lady to appear at the Cova da Iria, the district administrator went to Aljustrel, and while pretending to give the Children a ride to the Cova where Our Lady was waiting for them in the opposite direction, he kidnapped them and took them to Vila Nova de Ourem. There they were detained in the Town hall, them at the home at the administrator and finally in the Prison. He spared neither promises nor threats to extract the secret from them, even to the point of threatening to boil them in oil.

Seeing he was getting nowhere with his promises and threats the Administrator released the three little children on the 15th of August back in Fatima.

Meanwhile on August 13th let us listen to one of the witness:
Around the holim-oak, we prayed, we sang hymns of the Church. But the little ones were late in coming, and everyone began to get impatient. Thereupon, someone came from Fatima saying that the Administrator had taken the Children away.

There arose then a disturbance, and I do not know what would have happened if, suddenly, a clap of thunder had not made it self heard. The clap of Thunder was more or less similar to that of the preceding time.

At the clap of thunder there followed lightning, and at once we began to notice a small cloud, Very pretty, white in color, very light, which hovered some moments over the holm- oak, then rose towards the sky, and disappeared in the atmosphere.

While looking around us, we observed a strange thing, which we had already seen the previous time, and which we were going to see again in the future. The faces of the people had all the colors of the rainbow. The Two lanterns attached to the arch appeared to be made of gold.

Briefly, everything had happened outwardly as if the apparition had taken Place. Our Lady, it was obvious, had not missed the rendezvous. And she had manifested her presence by imposing signs, witnessed by most of the pilgrims present that day. Manuel Goncalves, from the hamlet of Montelo, would be able to testify to Canon Formigao on October 1: There were extraordinary signs. In August, almost all those who were there saw them.