Ascension Church – M H Colony

Ascension Church
M H Colony
No.9, Railway Colony,
4th Street,
Metha Nagar,
Chennai – 600 029.
Tel 044 – 23 74 38 51
Brief History:
During the year 1958-1959, the Government distributed lands to landless people. Under the able leadership of Mr D Swamikannu, a chapel was built here for the spiritual needs of the local people. The laity contributed for the construction. Later a plot of land was purchased and the present Church named ‘Ascension Church’ was built there. This church was erected as a Parish on the 13th July 1982 and entrusted to the Vincentian Fathers.
Mass Timings:
Sunday Mass – Timings/Language: 6.00 am, 8.15 am, 8.45 am (Children) & 5.00 pm -Tamil / 7.00 am – English
dear sir , shall i get todays and coming days(easter days)mass timing and also malayalam service is there?
Please note that the English Mass is now held at 7.15 am in the morning on Sundays. There is a 11 am English Mass started from January 2010.