Our Father

Our Father


Foreword The humanity of the third millennium is facing problems which can be resolved only by global cooperation.

Many people look forward to the future with anxiety and sorrow.

To become aware that we are one great family of men is more urgent than ever before.

Isn’t it time to discover the real base of human brotherhood, that is to say, the universal paternity of God?

It is an immense task in which Christians have a primordial role to play.

It is we who have to begin to better live our real identity, Christian and human: that is to be children of the same Father through Christ in the Spirit.

Devotion to the Father was the devotion of Jesus.

The whole person of Jesus is polarized by the Father.

His mission is to reveal to us the Father, to manifest His infinite love, to open the way and lead us to Him.

Yet the manner in which Jesus spoke to his Father was revolutionary: “Abba,” or “Dad,” as a little child calls his father.