St. Michael’s Church – Tenkasi

St. Michael
Contact Details:
St. Michael’s Church
Tirunelveli Dt,
Tamil Nadu.
Pin : 627811
Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. S.Antony Raj.
Asst Parish Priest: Rev.Fr.Michael Raj.
St. Michael
St. Michael’s Church
Tirunelveli Dt,
Tamil Nadu.
Pin : 627811
Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. S.Antony Raj.
Asst Parish Priest: Rev.Fr.Michael Raj.
Iam Dr.Thomas Mathew from Kerala.Our Hospital is a multispeciality one.We have free CLEFT SURGERY programmes and is done by doctors specialised in cleft surgery in SWITZERLAND..It is absolutely free and we provide conveyance and food free of cost to the patient.If you can arrange camps our doctors will come their free.Please feel free to call me on 09447039090 or mail to for further details.Since it is a social service, a church can do wonders.Thanking you,DR.THOMAS MATHEW,MEDICAL ADMINISTRATOR,St.Thomas Hospital,Malakkara.P.O
prayer for my puduzhue center
prayer request, st. Michael pray for us to our family blessing